Strategie argumentacji w teorii retoryki Arystotelesa: entymematy pozorne i obalające
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Aristotle’s rhetoric
apparent enthymeme
refutative enthymeme
nonmonotonic logics



The aim of the article is to confirm the thesis of ChaimPerelman on the homogeneity of Aristotle’s results regarding the theoretical and practical syllogism by presenting the concept of enthymeme; the article presents a description of what the enthymeme is and what place it occupies in the theory of Aristotle’s rhetoric; the concept of enthymeme is confronted with the concept of syllogism, the structure of the argumentation through the enthymeme is outlined and the particular types of the enthymeme distinguished by Aristotle, namely the apparent enthymeme and the refutational enthymeme, are also discussed. An attempt to look at the analyzed types of enthymemes from the point of view of contemporary logic (especially nonmonotonic logic)is also undertaken.

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