Dictionary and Plasticity of the World. Socio-Humanistic Study
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propositional attitude


DOI: http://doi.org/10.26333/sts.xxviii.18

In the present study, I consider the world as a set of occurrences, including human activities. These occurrences construct a feedback with the multiple sets of propositional attitudes that I call cultures. At the same time, it is thanks to a reference to cultures that the occurrences are ordered. On the other hand, the already mentioned sets of attitudes reflect appropriate languages and through them – the dictionaries which are used. The analysis of the latter allows us to see the manners of ordering the world of occurrences, among others with the use of actions, including the applied dictionaries. What is more, a comparison of thought of different dictionaries allows us to grasp this world in terms of plasticity because the shape of the visible world depends on the dictionary – one can be poorer, the other richer. In the present study, I give two examples which perceive this difference. Both of them come from social sciences and humanities. I am convinced that by acting, including acting with the use of words, an individual changes the world, and at the same time changes their self.

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